Monday, September 28, 2009

Things Doesn't Always Happen the way you want it to Happen

"The bands of the wicked have robbed me" "psalm - cxix. 6r

In the story "The Alchemist", Santiago, the main character says "I'm like everyone else - i see the world in terms of what i would like to see happen now what actually does happen". The boy followed his thoughts too much, but after those kind of mistakes, he would know that he would never do the same mistake, so he always learns from his mistakes through out his journey. The Author of this book "Paulo Coelho" probably wrote this sentence for a message to us, which is to learn from our mistakes, and never to do it again. But we also has to believe in ourselves in order to achieve our destiny, because if we just rely on other people, we are just living in people's life but not our own.

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